Diocese of Espoo
Diocese of Espoo
The Diocese of Espoo is a diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the seat of the bishop of Espoo. The Diocese was established in 2004 so it is the newest of the nine diocese of our church. The current bishop of Espoo is Kaisamari Hintikka. Diocese comprises 19 congregations and 1600 employees.
On the area of the diocese lives almost 700 000 people and 68 percent of the population are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. During the years of existence the diocese has became more and more multicultural with many faiths, cultural backgrounds and variety of languages included.
Together with our congregations we seek to be more confident in speaking and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ, more compassionate in serving communities with the love of God the Father and more creative in reaching new people and places in the power of the Spirit.
Waking the Giant | Seurakunnat ja kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet
Waking the Giant
Churches for Development
‘Waking the Giant’ is a global ecumenical initiative of the Lutheran World Federation. It aims to build the capacity of churches to contribute effectively to the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. At the global level, the initiative provides churches and church-related actors with tools and training to relate their on-going work to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the national level, churches and ecumenical partners set up implementation mechanisms for taking stock of their existing work in relation to the SDGs and engage in joint planning for direct action and advocacy.
Together for a better world
With their vocation to serve, churches have for centuries engaged in promoting dignity and justice, particularly among those oppressed, forgotten or pushed to the margins. Many churches have established themselves as important actors in the provision of social and development services and as advocates for global human values, such as gender equality, peace and justice. They distinguish themselves through the permanence of their presence, an often high level of credibility and a wide reach at community level, including to the remotest areas where state institutions may be absent.
Despite the strong work being carried out by churches in relation to individual SDGs, many of them are not familiar with UN processes and the language of the ‘Agenda 2030’. There is an important ‘translation’ role to be played in order to bring together both sides. Mutual understanding and respect will be an important outcome.
The present project is a global ecumenical initiative by the Lutheran World Federation. It aims to strengthen churches’ capacity to effectively contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with ecumenical actors (such as Christian councils, Christian aid agencies etc.). The focus will be on health (SDG 3), education (SDG 4), gender equality (SDG 5) reducing inequalities (SDG 10) and promotion of peace and justice (SDG 16) as these are areas where churches have acquired longstanding experience and credibility.

Christian Churches Network
Are you a pastor or a worker of an international church in metropolitan area? Christian Churches Network is an ecumenical and multicultural network for the purpose to strenghten the unity of christians. We pray, share and encourage each others. There are more than 30 churches involved.

International Explorer-program
Explore congregations which are flourishing in the middle of the diversity and secularisation!
International program for the employees of the diocese. Explorer-program.